France Homewood - Pune Journal Week Two

Week Two

India is doing much to address its pollution problems. From the point where the cabin crew on our flight to Mumbai announced that plastic bags could not be taken into the airport, to noticing not a single plastic bag in a shop or supermarket (putting our meagre British efforts to shame) I have been impressed.The air pollution, however, is a different story. A thick smog hung over Mumbai as we headed through to Pune. Tonight, walking down the main Fergusson College Rd here, I had to keep my nose and mouth covered against the pollution. I found myself reflecting again on the earlier times I came when a magnificent row of trees graced this street, only to be sacrificed in the early 1990s when cars began to replace the bullock cars and bikes that were the main traffic back then.Change has been a major theme this week. Senior teachers and assessors from all the national Iyengar Yoga Associations have been invited to discuss how our system of training and mentoring teachers can change to be fit for purpose in the future. Abijata Iyengar, Gurujis granddaughter has led a vibrant debate and its been fascinating to hear the views from so many countries where Iyengar yoga has taken root.I realised, as I sat behind a T shirt saying “Iyengar Yoga for Swaziland”, that we really are now a global family and that this practice supports people of such incredibly diverse cultures. Abhijata described what a powerful system this is; whether you live in Mongolia or Manchester, Malaysia or Montreal, if you get back pain, supta padangustasana, pavanmuktanasana and similar poses will give you relief. And you can learn then practice them yourself. So empowering.By contrast, for so many women in India, their lack of safety leaves them feeling disempowered. A recent rape case of a young woman vet in Hyderabad has shocked the country. Dear friends that I have here are very involved in rights for women so I felt proud to briefly join their street protest today, calling for greater police action in such cases. Does this sound familiar...?As this week comes to an end and we prepare to celebrate 101 years since B.K.S. Iyengar was born, I again feel so privileged to be here. To be part of a global family working towards healing and wholeness, in these times of conflict and separation, is a special thing indeed. It’s great to know that Sheffield is a small but vital part of this.Sending warmth and loveFrances[metaslider id=3012]


Frances Homewood - Pune Journal Week Three


Frances Homewood - Pune Journal Week One