Volunteers Needed!

Intermediate Junior One Assessments; Sheffield Iyengar Yoga CentreSat October 19th, Sun October 20th, Sat October 26th, Sun October 27thCan you help us by coming to be a student for teachers taking their assessments?Volunteers must have:

  • 5 years’ experience,
  • be regular Iyengar yoga students and able to do inversions on the day, even if needing wall support
  • Experienced students, trainee teachers and Introductory level teachers may volunteer.
  • Please note that Introductory level teachers should not volunteer if they are themselves taking the Intermediate Junior Level 1 this year but they could volunteer elsewhere for a Level 2 or 3 assessment.
  • Volunteers must be there in good time ready to start the teaching assessment promptly at 1 pm so be there by 12.30 latest.

Please email the office; info@sheffieldyogacentre.co.uk to tell us which date(s) you can offer or with any queries. THANK YOU for helping our teachers to progress. 


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